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An Instant, Fresh Meal in a Pouch

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Phakamisa Twin Pouch is a unique concept of a two-compartment pouch separated by means of a temporary internal seal which is broken when you are ready to consume the meal. The one compartment contains a highly nutritious powder with either a Maize or Sorghum base and the other compartment contains purified water.

The Sorghum based nutritional powder is available in the retail market under the brand Maxivite and is available in the original flavour. The Maize based nutritional powder, Phakamisa Instant Porridge, is available in Banana, Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla flavours. The powder is high in carbohydrates and therefore provides a quick release of energy making it ideal for people involved in physical labour or athletes. It is also ideal for learners as the Phakamisa Twin Pouch is easy to store, carry and is ready to consume as quickly as you can give it a good shake!

The concept requires no cooking, no utensils, no refrigeration, no energy for preparation. The Phakamisa Twin Pouch can be stored for up to 6 months and is therefore an excellent solution for disaster management. The Phakamisa Twin Pouch has been successfully used as a mid-shift meal for mine workers for over a decade.

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